Over the years, we provide knowledge and expertise with regards to legal documentations and instruments in corporate banking. We go to the extra miles to provide full legal services in respect of conventional credit facilities and Islamic Banking Syariah Compliance.

The firm’s banking department works closely with the property developer to provide advisory services with respect to bridging and end-financing for project development as well in construction industries. The firm has also extensive experience in Islamic Corporate Banking products including :-

  • Project financing under the Islamic principles of Al – Musyarakah
  • Debt financing under the Islamic principle of Bai’ Bithaman Ajil
  • Trade financing under the Islamic principles of Al – Murabahah and Al – Kafalah and Al Bai’nah.
  • Corporate Financing under the principles of Al-Murabahah
  • Commercial and Residential financing under the principle of Al-Murabahah Tawarruq, Ijarah, Bai’ Istina’, Bai’nah, Al-Musyarakah and Bai’Bithaman Ajil.